Eco Advantage Energy Advisors

Low Income Housing Programs

EAEA is proud to be working with local delivery agents geared towards supporting those most in need.

SaveONenergy Affordability Program (EAP)

Funded by the Ontario Power Authority and administered by local electric utilities.

Enbridge Home Weatherization Program (HWP)
Funded by Enbridge Gas Distribution 

The EAP & HWP are managed by 3 Program Delivery Agents throughout Ontario.


Clients with "K" Postal Codes


Clients with "M" & "P" Post Codes


Clients with "L" & "N" Postal Codes

    These programs are aimed at reducing the energy burden for those in need.   

    Eligible participants can get FREE home improvement supports* for the following: 

    electric power bars
    showerheads, aerators, pipe wrap and tank wrap
    refrigerators, freezers, de-humidifiers, and window air-conditioners
    basement, wall, and attic insulation

    *supports are dependent on the current heating and housing type